5 Games With Popular and Inspiring Art

Games have always been the biggest source of inspiration for my own digital paintings. The reason for this is that games try to have high-quality graphics to appease their players, but also because games always have a story and this narrative shows through in the artwork, creating an element of mystery and intrigue. Furthermore, each game needs to stand out in the market. For some that means developing revolutionary, ground-breaking gameplay. For others, it means raising the bar graphically.

Here are a few of my favourite game concept/promotional art pieces.

1. God of War

My personal favourite! One of the reasons that God of War is an eye-catching game is because of the varied and historic environments and the powerful, vengeful narrative that gives the main character emotion. When I was playing the game there were numerous times when I saw a scene so breathtaking that I wanted to stop and pause so I could sketch! (..and I did!)

In 2010 I came across Andy Park’s deviantART page. Andy Park was a concept artist for God of War and a variety of other popular games and films. His stunning artwork is so filled with intricate detail and narrative that gets imaginations flowing.

If you’re a fan of the art of God of War you may want to consider purchasing the official book, The Art of God of War 3. I couldn’t help but buy the Limited Folio Edition myself!

Click images to enlarge.

2. Crysis 2

When I think Crysis I think Marek Okon. Okon is an absolutely incredible artist who has created many of my all-time favourite works, including promotional art for Crysis 2. The promotional art for this game is so realistic that it doesn’t make sci-fi seem like fiction at all – it feels (and looks) real. That’s why the first image shown below is probably my favourite. It looks so 3D that I feel like the glass will hit me at any second.

A lot of the art for Crysis 2 may be similar in that there’s always a man wearing armour, holding a gun, and looking formidable… But you have to admit that the consistency works well from a marketing standpoint. I take half a look and I know the image is from Crysis 2. But since the artwork is so incredible, we all know I’d never give the pictures “half a look!”

Click images to enlarge.

3. Rift

This game wins for environments and atmospheric lighting. I don’t see their character art as anything special but their environments, interiors, and lighting leave me in awe.

Click images to enlarge.

4. Guild Wars 2

I have not actually played Guild Wars 2 but it caught my eye because some of the artwork is very.. different. Usually people say “different” when they really mean “bad” but they’re too nice to say so, but that’s not the case here!

Unlike many game companies, ArenaNet is a bit more “artistic” with their Guild Wars 2 art (mainly the wallpapers). They do have a lot of the typical “epic warrior” pieces, but they also have a few pieces with a unique, simplistic, painterly style. This is also evident in the game’s website, which is not overloaded with intricate details and graphics. It’s very simple with a white background and they once again bring in the painterly effect.

Click images to enlarge.

5. Star Wars: The Old Republic

Ah, Star Wars. Will this game be the MMO of 2012? It’s certainly off to an amazing start with the new title of “fastest growing subscription MMO in history.” But let’s take a look at the art…

Click images to enlarge.

Beautiful… Everything I would expect from the likely best MMO of 2012! We even see a bit more work from Marek Okon. He created the Star Wars: The Old Republic cover art.

One thing I really applaud Bioware for is for providing its players with loads of concept art and wall papers. Most game companies seem to hold out on us… They give us bits and pieces here and there, but Bioware has really given us the whole package with 66 wallpapers and 170 pieces of concept art! That’s enough for a fan to drool over!

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