I recently redesigned my blog Book Nook. Check out the changes!
Like the previous design, Book Nook is fully responsive! That means it has a fluid, dynamic layout that changes as the screen resolution changes! It works perfectly on high resolution computers, tablets, and mobile phones.
In addition to some huge design changes, I really cleaned up the back-end of the site! I turned all my messy PHP code into pretty, reusable functions. I also utilized custom post types and custom taxonomies to increase site usability. My custom taxonomies include “Book Author” and “Book Series” so that I can easily target books by the same author or the same books in a series. This comes in handy with my automatically updating review index (by author).
The blog now features an image slider on the homepage! To help make things easier for myself, I created my own plugin to handle the slider. I have a new section in my WordPress admin area for adding a new slider image and specifying which post it should link to.