Version 2.0 of the Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin is nearing completion! That means, I need people to help me test it.
There will be two stages of testing: Alpha (Phase 1) and Beta (Phase 2). Alpha test will take place on my servers. I will set up a test site with the plugin, grant the testers access (one at a time) and they will test it out there. The Beta test will take place on the testers’ blogs. I will send each Beta tester a copy of the plugin and they will install it on their blogs to test. This is primarily to test compatibility with themes and other plugins.
Requirements for testers
- You do NOT have to already own the UBB plugin.
- You DO have to be familiar with WordPress.
- If you are applying for the Beta program (where you install the plugin on your own blog), you must have a self-hosted blog.
- You DO need to have an attention to detail, be able to play with features (even ones you may not use on your own blog), and test closely for bugs/glitches.
- You DO need to be available. I will start choosing testers about 1 or 2 weeks from today. If you will not be immediately available for testing, then please do not sign up! The longer it takes for us to get through testing, the longer everyone else has to wait for the plugin. Please don’t be the one to hold us up!
Your tasks as a tester
- Report back to me with bugs or features that are not working correctly.
- Give me feedback on the features; let me know how you like them.
- Give me any other ideas to help improve the plugin.
What to expect from the test
This is a testing program which means things will be broken. You can’t expect everything to work as intended, because in all likelihood, they won’t. It will be your job to report back to me with what isn’t working or what could be done better.
What do you get out of it?
If you already own a copy of the UBB plugin, then this is just an excellent opportunity for you to give me feedback and help make UBBv2 the best it can be! You will be able to provide me with direct feedback and influence the final version of the plugin.
If you do not already own a copy of the UBB plugin, then once testing is over (and if you contributed!) I will provide you with a free copy of the final plugin as a thank you for your services!
Would I be able to get a discount on the Theme??
Sorry but the themes are not currently on discount!
I can test it – my blog is self hosted. what’s the name of the plugin so I can check it out?
I no longer need testers. Thanks anyway though. 🙂