With the icon tags add-on, you can tag a book review with certain key words (like “Epic Romance” or “Love Triangle”) and then display image icons that represent those words. Think of like post tags, but showing them with images instead of just words!
This plugin is ideal for reviewers who love to categorise books according to topics, genres, or plot devices. Plus, your readers can click each icon to see all posts that were tagged with that same keyword!
Step #1: Create a new icon tag.

Give the tag a name and upload an image for it.

Step #2: Create a review and choose the tag(s) that relate to that book.
This part is exactly like picking a category for a post. But instead, you see a list of your icon tags!
Simply choose the one(s) that relate to the book you reviewed and save your post.
Step #3: Your icons get displayed in the post!

Your icon tags are then automatically displayed on the front-end of the site!
You get two choices (or you can do both!):

- You can add the icon tags to the book information section (as shown above). A new box called “Icon Tags” is added to the Ultimate BB “configuration” section (shown on the right). You can drag this exactly where you want the icons to appear.
- You can manually display the icon tags with a shortcode. Just type
in your post exactly where you want them to appear and they’ll be added automatically.