Front-end fields that auto-complete
Several of the front-end submission fields will auto-complete with authors, publishers, and series that you’ve already submitted into the Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin. So as the user types, they will be prompted with suggestions.
Configure your own form
You can pick and choose which fields show up on the submission form. You can drag, drop, rearrange, and remove fields.
Manage submissions
When someone presses “submit” on the form, their entry gets stored in a new “Review Requests” tab in your WordPress admin panel. You can easily view, manage, edit, and delete review requests, just like posts.
Admin-side tools just for you
When you edit a review request, you have a few tools at your disposal. You can assign reviewers to a book (great for co-bloggers!), copy the submission to a new post draft (transferring over all UBB data), and even email the requester.
Free support & updates for 12 months
This add-on comes with free support (for one site) and updates (for one site) for 12 months from the date of purchase. After that, you’ll have the option of renewing for an additional 12 months if you choose. Whether you renew or not, you’ll have lifetime access to the plugin.