Accept guest reviews without ever granting access to your admin panel!
The Review Submissions add-on allows you to create a front-end form on a normal WordPress page where your readers can submit their own book reviews.
There’s a simple form field box for each piece of UBB information, including: title, author, cover image, synopsis, rating, review, and more! All the reader has to do is fill in these boxes and click “submit”. This creates a new “Pending” post in your admin panel that you can publish, edit, or trash!

Fields auto-complete with your existing data
Some of the form fields auto-complete with your existing data as the reviewer types. For example, the “Author Name” field. As the reviewer starts typing in the author name, the form picks up on similar names that you already have entered, and adds suggestions to the reviewer. This encourages them to choose the correct option if it already exists. 🙂

The list of genres appears as a checkbox so the reviewer can select from options you already have on your blog, rather than creating new ones.
Easily manage the submissions you receive
When someone submits a book review, it’s given the status “Pending” so that it doesn’t go live on your blog straight away. You can review it and choose to edit, publish, or even delete it.
If a review was submitted through the front-end form, you’ll see a new box on the Edit Post page called “Review Submission”. This contains all the contact details from the reviewer in case you need to get in touch with them.

12 months of free support & updates
When you purchase this add-on, you receive a license key that entitles you to 12 months of free support (for one site) and automatic updates (for one site) through your admin panel. When the 12 months is up, you’ll have an option to renew your license key for another year. Regardless of whether or not you choose to renew, you’ll have lifetime access to the plugin file.